Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Über Jörg Fauser.

 "Fauser sah auf den ersten Blick aus wie ein Bankangestellter, das stimmt, aber auf den zweiten Blick sah er aus wie ein Bankangestellter, der abends ins Casino geht, und auf den dritten Blick ging er abends ins Casino mit dem Geld seiner Bank."

(Helmut Krausser über Jörg Fauser)

Sonntag, 11. November 2012

A month of movies: October.

This is the month in which movies we expect much from, such as "Was Bleibt" (trailer) or "Gnade" (German trailer), disappoint, while others, we're talking "Parada" (trailer) and "Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows" (DVD release) now, surprise in the opposite way. And then there's Moonrise Kingdom (trailer), which you need to see, preferably repeatedly. Also do not miss out on "Vaterlandsverräter" (German trailer), and perhaps "Periferic" (trailer), but do give "360" (trailer) a pass. And that is all.

The short -
Go and see: Moonrise Kingdom.
Well worth watching: Vaterlandsverräter.
Also deserving a chance: Parada (The Parade) & Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (DVD).
Average: Periferic (Outbound) & Was Bleibt (Home For The Weekend).
If you want to see Germans driving SUVs through Northern Norway: Gnade (Mercy).
If you prefer a romanticized India to the real one: Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (DVD).
If you prefer Transformers to Terminator I & II: Terminator Salvation (DVD).
Forget about: 360.

The long -